2025 Jan 2. All of our perfected gifted solutions UNIFY all +8.2 billion WE GODs Children forever starting with fundamental tribal clan decision making total replacement method of EVOTE.ONE FOIA.one results in crime debt political free utopia UNIocracy.org with no exceptions. Current Criminal Ruling Elite already control all our databases and marketplaces including banks, stock markets, transportation, food, housing, education, all other OUR communication based WHO is WHO, WHO owns What, and Who trades anything with any other. WHO do you actually trust and know to protect FatherKeith.com Duncans life today ! Call us direct +1 770.377.2106 today ! Bottom profit line is: NO MORE wars, poverty, politics, banksters, stock markets, any form of OH 'just trust only them' ever more is eternity.

FortuneONE.org is worlds last group of true mega Billionaires who gift 100% of our worldly assets to build FutureCITY.life. Led by only $40 Billion USD #1 most humble master of almost all Expertise, we will always be privately HELD and never allow any of our corporations to go on ANY stock market known as IPOs. WHY? because previous Criminal Ruling Elite already control all databases and all marketplaces as monopolies and actually control all Politics and Governments worldwide. ReInvestALL.com is the only way to remove ANY non performance leader from OUR governments and any Public Traded corporations for ever.
UNIocracy.org is our New World Utopia of WE decide NEXT best project, then WE pick and replace any and ALL Leaders at both GOV and Corporate Levels NOW NOW NOW Evote.one. Clearly this is/was the most peace make disruptive replacement of all leaders and underground comptroller criminals who want all of US dead, dead, dead back in hell the original Lucifer way of con Artist piracy, with no exceptions. All of YOUR direct actions now replaces any violator of GODsConstitution.org while each of you protects our lives and all Gods Assets forever. Zero exceptions once YOU become problem solving peacemaking experts of your very own transparent villages.
Post 2024 Elections, for CEO President of our single New World UNIocracy.org, everyone evote.one: KeithBrentDuncan.org
We The People now Peace Make all ways and means by removing ANY person from any authority who violates OUR Human Rights GodsConstitution.org now to end of GODs eternity. NO more War Lords, No Cyber Criminal terrorists, no PIRATES, No human Trafficking, definitely NO more secret civil criminal deals by NWO Criminal Ruling Elite most know as Mega Billionaires like President PUT-IN, CCP, N.Korea Fatso Jung Sung-un, Saudi Arabia Oil Princes, all others who only want you Dead Dead. We collectively properly use GODs words of 'Crispy Critters' and slave traded morsel protein were always all of YOU.
2024 Dec 12. KeithBrentDuncan.org was always worlds first/last only mega Trillionaire. We hereby WARN everyone to cash OUT all your public traded stocks and bank accounts. ReINVESTALL.com means one USD buying power will now be the exact same 100, even 1,000 years in Gods Future. YOUR only focus MUST be protecting the rights, assets and souls of all others !
QUOTE of KeithDuncan.org: ALL public traded stocks and financial instruments are false promises with zero stability.
1. Invest in yourself (massive new education using Keith + GODs fast path methods FiveSteps.life )
2. Invest only in best trusted people not false promise commodities and MLM Ponzi schemes ever again.
3. Put all your cash proceeds into ONLY privately held local Trust Savings Credit Unions. SolutionBankFraud.com
4. Invest in ONLY privately held corporations that use OUR new universal stabilizing By-Laws to insure YOUR assets are under your full control management by multi level reverse proxy methods of recorded store and forward FOIA.ONE our Read-Only Databases universally. Everyone grant KeithDuncan.org direct access to ALL world databases.
PROTECT OUR LIVES today since Cyber Terrorists named STILL stalk us DuncanClaim.org seed fund $500 MILLION USD full 3x restitution of WHO ordered we be kidnapped and killed by #1 terrorist Robert Dee Rose + 140 other named criminals.
Integrity 10,001 Jan 6, 2025
About You + US + GOD + MotherEarth
KeithBrentDuncan.org was always your only President of ONE new World Community by showcase gifting everything to unify all +8.2 billion We Gods Children forever use of fundamental dawn of mankind EVOTE.ONE for ever. GOD never created any of you to make war, violate any ones basic civil rights, or keep secrets after stealing and lying to cover up your sins, vices, and crimes. Current Lucifer AntiChrists cyber terrorists super criminal violators already control your reality and fate by false promises of OH, Just Wait, OH just TRUST only THEM, oh Their authority can never be questioned or removed by ReInvestALL.com
Call direct: KeithBrentDuncan.org
+1 828-620-7544 770.377.2106
One Lodge Street
Asheville NC 28803 USA